Wednesday 28 November 2007

Don't Fence George In!!

Today I did some posters for Big Geoff the aussie vicar mate of Mel Gibson,and also the sign for Bob the Goose,so if anybody wants a free range goose I can oblige with his phone number.
Spoke to Ian another Sheffield expat who lives in the village,he is rather pleased with his beloved blades after last nights win,he claims they played well on saturday last but could'nt score,the team at Owlerton also won last night,but us Rotherham lads are pretty bouyant at the moment lying third in their league.
Mick of Mick and Montmorency had his hip operation in Boston yesterday so all the best to him,and his missus Peggy.
Gentleman George rang this morning apparently the fence somebody wrecked with their car a week or two ago was newly mended but the next day a young girl wrecked it again claiming she hit an oil patch on the road,George says he inspected it and no oil was in evidence,they drive too fast and lose control but thats youth,us mature drivers are much more cautious!!!!well ...sometimes.
Sheila went out alone in the new car,and is very happy with it,the young lady who sold it us rang today to see if we were happy,its the first time I have not been pressured when buying a car,I think other car dealers could maybe learn a lesson here.

Monday 26 November 2007


Not up to much at the moment,but steady progress I think,today we go for the new car,just had bob the goose visiting he brought another sign for me,got a big job coming up some time this week,and a job waiting to be done,but giving it a couple of days.
Weather is cold but dry,the forecasters got it wrong and so Sheila did'nt put any washing in.
Had a visit from Jean and Norman on friday ,they have come down to close their van for the winter,they have another car a toyota,it looks like a nice motor,he is recovering from his broken leg,it seems everybody is incapacitated at the moment.
Glad to see the Aussies are blogging now should be interesting,if Sandra writes as much as she talks it could make for lengthy periods of reading! great fun picking out mistakes too.
We just had a strange bird on the tree outside,I think it could have been a woodpecker or a jay,but it flew off before I could get the binoculars.
Gina has had a hold up with the flitting,so it should now go ahead this weekend.
I think that Hennigan bloke should get the England job,and think about the pay off if it all goes wrong,a lot of shopping money for a certain lady!
I watched a couple of games on sky on Sunday and they were ok better than watching England,if they can play like this for their league teams ,why not for England?
Picked up the car...its like an aeroplane cockpit, controls by the score,the young saleslady gave us a lesson on them all,one interesting feature is bluetooth Sheila's phone has this facility so now we have hands free in car phone,also cruise control which will be great when we drive to Preston,lots of motorway driving,it looks like a four wheel drive but it is'nt,6 forward gears and a diesel engine ,Sheila said, "we are going a bit fast" on the way home but I was hardly touching the accelerator...Honest!! anyway we have got some reading to do to fathom out what all the controls do,a nice touch is each front seat has its own temperature control so red hot for me and cold for Sheila,it is great being that bit higher up we can see over the hedgerows, which is safer because we can see cars coming the other way.,fed up with car talk are you? ok! now down to the new blog Sandra and Sam,reading their personal stuff,I think that Montana Mike wrote it,I mean who owns up to reading the Beano,and taking golf lessons from Montana Mike?some chicanery afoot here,there will be a kerfuffle.

Thursday 22 November 2007

England Out

The England game was abysmal and not only because of the result,it was like watching Arsenal play a non league side,England were long balling up to Crouch(who was best player for England)
the Croats played football passed it accurately,in fact just what you expect from professionals,in the end the result was right, and now the guessing starts who to sack who to employ,million dollar payoffs will ensue and the poor old fans will be left in limbo.
My shingles is into day two ,tried to have a lay in bed but cant do it,keep taking the tablets as Milligan would have said.
Weather was wet overnight but the sun is out and washing is on the line,Sheila is busy ironing baskets full.
Montana Mike paid $30 to watch the England game and his instant messaging to me last night was interspersed with ribald language,he was not impressed and the $30 did little to help
Gina has bought furniture for the house but longer tha expected delivery date,thats it for now.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Sick and Tired

Today went to doctors to check on the results of my cortisone injection,unfortunately after feeling below par for a couple of weeks(mild flu symptoms) i have shingles and now taking the tablets,beat that Montana! weather is rainy but on the way back this morning I spotted a heron in a field and lots of cock pheasants, forecast is for snow showers at the weekend.
9.20 am and the sun is trying to break through the clouds Sheila is hoping for some drying weather there are loads of wet things waiting to be hung out.
Our post used to come at 7.30 am but now we have to wait till 10.30,which is a nuisance if you want to get an early start .
Gina is back on the net reading the news we have not been able to listen on line for a couple of weeks I think it must be their website.
Sam and Sandra the Poms are back in England for a visit,and already Montana is missing his brother.
Finished some posters yesterday and painted Bob the Goose's sign,hope I am worked up and just waiting for the cheques.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

this is Sheila

I have tried everyway I know to get on to my blog but it's not to be. It refuses to recognise me even though I have been writing a blog for ages. Anyway so now I will have to use graham's.
Went to the W.I. last night. A wonderful talk by a man who has been crippled with arthritis since he was 19. He calculated that he had taken some 39 thousand tablets and had numerous injections etc One day whilst working for the government he was sent to this laboratry where the workers pursuaded him to let them test his blood for food intolerance. Long story short......He was told he was allergic to 3 things. stopped eating them and lo and behold he was cured in 5 days. He was so happy about it that he bought the company and now spends his time lobbying doctors to stop prescribing and start testing instead. He has been given the M.B.E for his services and is retiring next year to set up a charity for research into food allergies. He gave us some amazing case histories and I am totally hooked. Very interesting!!
Gina and Andrew will probably be moving into their new house next Monday. Good init?

Sunday 18 November 2007

Wet and Windy on the prairie

So! the Israelis have done the business for us,now its up to the highly paid overated English footballers , I had to keep turning over from the Russki Israeli game because of the tension,but got the last 5 mins or so ...mighty relief.
Now we have to go through 90 minutes of hopes and fears at Wembley,but its only a game......##
The weather this morning on the Prairie is chucking down with rain,amd our usual gale force winds,I went for a paper into Mablethorpe and its a ghost town,Sexbomb rang yesterday from his castle at Tattershall,and he is off to visit relatives in Norfolk for a few days,then back to the castle next weekend we may meet up in Boston on Saturday .
Bob the goose has had his geese for sale sign stolen,so he asked me to letter a new one,should be an easy one for the cops to solve, there can't be that many geese farms!
Montana Mike is still looking for a new place,and says he will miss his" aussie relos "when they leave on Tuesday, but he has the dubious pleasure of our company in the new year.
I transported 18 wood fence panels from the caravan site to the little house yesterday,a freebie from a Rotherham bloke who had to remove them on the orders of the new site owners,they claim the wood is a fire hazard!!!and if he left them they would take them down and charge him for removing them so worked out well for me.

Saturday 17 November 2007

Help the Aged

Today is a little damp from an overnight frost which clears rapidly due to the salt air,broken cloud and sunny periods but forecast is for rain monday,enough of the weather,we had our bus pass application forms yesterday and needed to attach a photo and return them to Hull,being of a frugal disposition financially,I suggested we print them ourselves on the computer,as we were visiting Louth to the bank,we purchased some cut price photo paper in the market,and after a little trial and error the job was done,my dad always new I was a clever bugger, or so he said.
We have a problem with Sheila's blog it seems she can't get on it,the computer refuses to recognize her password and user name,so if anyone can help let us know,I should say that this is not "colpa di Graham"(Graham's fault translated to English) it may be just the computer fairy playing her tricks again.
Montana Mike is back on the house purchasing trail in Kansas,and is also due for a shootout on the golf links on monday with his dear friend and brother Sam the Pom,harsh words are said to be a rarity on these occasions!during all this it's rumoured that Sandra the Pom wife of the aforementioned Sam,is busy keeping the US telephone companies in business, hard to believe though that is.
I should mention that I helped the aged,that is Gentleman George and his dear Wife I have taken their photo's for their bus pass applications,for which I am not sure thanks will be in order,not entirely flattering, I suppose I could use the artistic licence excuse.
Later today football of some importance takes place in Israel,we need the Israelis to draw or beat Russia to remain in the european qualification chase, Shalom Moshe,thats to my old pal Moshe Jones in Lancashire,if it turns out well I may consider putting out an Israeli flag.
We could be meeting up at Christmas(he supports all religious fesivals that involve booze even though he's an atheist.)
Gina is moving into an expensive residence shortly at Preston North End,so Christmas may be on the cards in Lancashire,pity its not Yorkshire but....
Thats it for now from the little house on the Lincolnshire praire.

Wednesday 14 November 2007

it's a draw

Today finished some poster work I started yesterday,need to get it posted off to the customers,all this work just to keep the wolf from the door,but it keeps me out of mischief.
Tonight we are transporting the girls to the Prussian Queen it would be nice if they won but expectations are low.
Saw the barn owl yesterday and the kestrel has just flown away,there must be lots of wild life in the field next to us,its like a bird tesco.
Montana Mike has been displaying his wares to the Lady medics in Kansas City,and now braunging that he is in fine fettle,he's only a bambino yet wait till the ravages of time take their toll,all that organic food is bound to have some effect eventually.
Just back from the darts match and its a draw,Sheila won two of the three games she played,so things are looking up, so a merry journey back home.

Sunday 11 November 2007

High Jinks at The Village Hall

So the morning after the Barndance, like being back at school, yes I can remember that far back but don't ask me what I had for dinner last night.
Resounding success from the "laugh at other peoples efforts" point of view,the Dee Dar Bleeders had a good time mixing in with the locals,and a very entertaining night was had by all, the band were very professional and at one point played Billy Connolly's favourite schoolday tune"Step we Gaily" OHHH you had to be there to see us "Jigging" and "Stripping the Willow!"midnight struck as we drove home from the village,luckily it missed us,we meandered on looking at the stars and trying to hold back the adrenalin buzz still circulating.
This morning I went for a paper to the village but all the inhabitants seemed abed and recovering from the strip the willow exertions of last night.
USA note. Montana is gloating on his blog he beat his brother Sam the pom at golf,but only after a draw and play off,so a bit of luck involved I think there,and still house hunting which is obviously taking second place. Me and Ian the Blade (a rabid united fan) are picked as drivers for the WI darts team so a visit to the Prussian Queen pub next week,and I think its a grudge match!!

Friday 9 November 2007

Barndance Excitement Mounting

Today it was bad news on the housing front from Kansas City,the house they were having is off the market so not a happy time there.
Today I had work to do for a london customer,which I shall post off today,then out with sheila to look at a couple of house signs enquiries,If only people would have regular sizes life would be easier,excitement is building as the barn dance draws close, its on Saturday,I am dusting down my dungarees and straw hat in preparation, and have just played a couple of practice tunes on the Comb and Paper.
We looked up a bird of prey which has appeared next to our place and its a Kestrel according to Bill Oddy,it looks much bigger than the normal hawks we see.
High tides were forecast yesterday with a possibility of coastal flooding ,but we seemed to escape it .

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Grimsby Town

Not much to report this week,I watched the liverpool game last night 8.0 they won,tonight is Man U ,report later.
Today we went up to Grimsby for the day with our ex neighbours Alan and Vicky from Sheffield,wandered around the shops and then into Yates's wine lodge for lunch,very cheap and surprisingly good,not always the norm,we came home and they left for their lincolnshire residence trying to get back before dark,as they are all country roads and very little street lighting.
Sonia rang, she is back from USA and regaled Sheila for a while with her exploits over there.

Saturday 3 November 2007

Bonfire and Crispy Duck

Today after fetching a paper I went down to Gentleman George's place ,where he had a big bonfire built up over the year,which we decided to set on fire ,and what a blaze it was,we were like two kids messing around with pitchforks pretending it was a chore,Lady Ann was away shopping so there was no interference at all,we had to break off to go and watch the Arsenal v Man.U game a 2.2 draw which me and Sheila watched and enjoyed,it was a very good game and I think the right result.
Sonia rang from Kansas and had a chat to Sheila,she is packing ready to leave for home,but has left us some winter jackets for our visit.
I think if George is ok I may have offloaded the goose killing job at Christmas,had a gift of a duck which a pal of his shot ,so its crispy duck for sunday lunch tomorrow, Sonia was upset about the duck thinking I had shot it ,but I know she eats crispy duck at the chinese !
Montana Mike is away on business so her and Sandra the Pom have the place to themselves,and will probably be going out for a dinner of some proportions.
Sexbomb is stuck in Alan Towers and not able to come down for one of our ritual Red Lion lunches,his grandkids are poorly,so they have to stay in Sheffield.
I rang up my old protege Shaun today intending to wish his team(Man U) good luck but he had the answering machine on,obviously not wanting to be disturbed,but I shall get all the info about his activities from his dear old mother.

Thursday 1 November 2007

Dart Report

Today we went up to Morrisons Supermarket in Grimsby,its a 45 minute drive each way,nothing in the USA but a long way here,bought lots of stuff then back to the little house.
Watched Sheffield United play Arsenal last night Sheff U were awful and there was some opposition to the manager in the crowd,continuing the sporting theme Sheila WON A GAME at the darts last night and also brought all the village gossip home.
Weather has been good around 16c today which is well above normal for November,had a call this afternoon for some poster work so finished it and I shall send it off Friday.