Wednesday 30 June 2010

Tired? yes of excuses

Thats it then,our poor footballers were tired,as in too tired to play their hearts out for their country,contrast this with the life of the poor miners working in the area where the pampered spoilt over rated so called English footballers were living in the lap of luxury.

Monday 28 June 2010

Tired? a shift shovelling coal is tired.

Excuses abound for the reason the "international" players representing England were crap,not least the one about them being tired,well here are a couple of facts to consider,English players played 921.5 games average48.5 German players played 926 games average48.7. in 2009 2010before the world cup.

England,s alleged football team

Does this rank as the biggest ever con trick to emanate from the African continent?

Friday 25 June 2010


Sandra the pom is worried about Brisbane Wolves next opponents who are,Taringa ringa rovers while we are not a bit worried about our next opponents,it's only the Germans.
According to the German press the Jerries are just as worried about playing us,so lets justify their fears,Brighton and Hove albion supporters are displaying a banner in South Africa saying"SQUADFATHER PART ONE" lets hope that scares the Germans even more.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Dad's Army,Hun in the Sun,or what you will.

The Jerry's are threatening us again, so it's "chocks away johnnie"as Dad's Army prepare to battle with the Hun in the Sun,this is our world cup final,all the rest is of no consequence,this is the oldest ever England world cup team,and Jerry's youngest,so it's" who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler if you think old Englands done"?
Cry "havoc"and let slip the dogs of war! William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

Wednesday 23 June 2010

All in the same boat?

New austerity measures for the long suffering"ordinary" folk,the new Tory/Tory alliance have decided that we are to suffer for the sins of the Yankee/Limey bankers who created the problems we are now enduring,allegedly we are all in it together except the rich of course,it seems Phil the Greek,and his missus Lizzie the German, will now have their finances scrutinised but of course nothing will be done to reduce their standard of living.
20% vat is to be introduced , if you add 20% on a bill for a fiver it makes it £6.unless my maths are crap,which if you are on a low income is quite a lot,but if you are rich, or on a high income not so much of a penance, so we are not ALL suffering equally are we?
Suffering across the board comes today starting at 3pm greenwich meantime when it's"Here we go again"with the England team,hopefully it will be the real England team this time,maybe even getting a favourable comment from across the Atlantic from those with a new allegiance and nationality.
The good old French were in disarray last night against South Africa,but the French people are not shy at standing up against their government or football managers if they sense an injustice,unlike us English who are much slower to react,in my many car journeys across La Belle France in years past, en route(bit of french there) to Italy I have been made welcome by the French and so am quite fond of them as a nation ,and they make good wine which is another thing in their favour.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Fathers day shirt

Gina say's I am the best dad in the world. I agree! Thankyou for the lovely England shirt which I am seen here modelling. Lets hope it does the trick on Wednesday
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Saturday 19 June 2010

Three Lambs on their shirts

It is common knowledge that many internet scams stem from Africa,the latest scam from Africa is a group of impersonaters masquerading as the England world cup squad,the ringleader is believed to be of Italian descent,this group went on the field last night in a world cup game ,a simple way to expose these imposters is to look at the embroidered badge on their shirts,instead of the three lions there are three lambs,one of the group after the alleged football match ( a shrek look alike)had the nerve to criticise the England supporters who eventually realised they had been duped,and roundly booed the imposters,as they escaped from the field.
My well meaning daughter sent me a nice polo shirt for fathers day with three Lions on it,which I shall wear while dreaming of The Ashes series coming up against Australia,who says I am a pessimist?I shall also wear it in honour of those brave people out there in our armed forces sent to fight other peoples wars but doing it with courage and passion,for a pittance of a financial reward.

Monday 14 June 2010

Latest Painting

This is a 16inchx 20 inch acrylic on canvas,title", Gold Miner" in part a title inspired by Crocodile Mick's recent prospecting with his mate
Larrikin,and his plan to take Deb. to Kalgoorlie, gold prospecting,in their new camper trailer,all this artistic activity stops one dwelling on the World Cup disappointments and other dismal news.
The Le Blades have sold their big posh house in the village and so will shortly be returning to Sheffield,personally I have no desire to follow them as living in a city again does not appeal,much more acceptable would be a West Australia country place,with real sunshine most of the year,as opposed to the unpredictable climate of our green and pleasant land.
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Sunday 13 June 2010

English Graham for England

SOOO!............ENGLAND! Switched on just before the kick off,and saw the goalkeeping choice and without being wise after the event groaned,OH NO! Signor Fabio bottled it and should have gone with Hart,some may say the goalie made a one off error,look at the "save" he made later in the game and that nearly was error number two,one is almost acceptable but two??the Yanqui's were playing like English teams of yore with pride and effort,lucky for them we gave them a goal reward for their efforts.
Heskey,should have scored the winner,and with better finishing all round we could have won 3-1,Joe Cole not a great favourite of mine might have been a player to bring on and try a bit of the fancy stuff , and Crouch if given time may have upset the big Yanqui centre half.
So FA,are you bringing Don Fabio off and replacing him with English Graham?
The Mad Cyclist of missouri is in a mess,he has gravel rash all over his body,yes you guessed it,he fell off the bike,it could be "divine "retribution for switching national allegiance in the football world.He now has a new house which he has built on the site of the one he recently bought,I think making the original mistake of liking the location and seeing the building through rose tinted glasses,but we did the same thing with our little house on the prairie and are now living with our mistake,we are happy with the location but the house requires a few thousand pounds to rebuild it,this will not happen as any spare cash goes toward returning to Australia.
Support for Australia today goes without saying,but of course I shall be keeping a soft spot for my second home Italia,who I think will win the world cup,beating Argentina in the final,speaking of Argentina ,it seems they are looking for a rematch in the Falklands(nothing to do with us drilling for oil down there),President Obama is reputed to be siding with the Argies,(will they fight his wars with him in Iraq and now Afganistan?)again nothing to do with possible oil deposits,he will be able to square any oil spills with his own voters if they are not in their back yard,as they did with piper alpha in the north sea,and of course the tragic american owned chemical plant catastrophe in Bhopal India,was the Exxon Valdes event in Alaska an American made disaster?

Friday 4 June 2010

Last of the summer wine

Yesterday we had a pensioners day out with Alan and Vicki , two of our old neighbours from Sheffield,they have a holiday home ,"tattersall towers" down here,we went to Brigg market, and then looked around the town, after an expensive lunch and a traditional glass of real beer , we came back via Market Rasen and enjoyed the sunshine and wonderful views of the English countryside.
Today we have unbroken sunshine again and after a bike ride, (beat my fastest time)to buy a paper we are relaxing at the little house on the prairie.