Tuesday 29 September 2009

Preston to the prairie

Here we are back from Preston,and I warn anybody driving over the M62 that it is full of roadworks speed limitations ,as is the M180 ,the weather is not good today,cloudy but no rain,the fields are a dustbowl and clouds of dust are being created by the farm machinery,though some rain is forecast for saturday.
I am still trying to overcome Italian bureaucracy in pursuit of the money owing me from april,though I think I have finally overcome all the obstacles,but you never know,I think a lot of it is now eec inspired because some years ago I had no problem receiving payment from an Italian company I did work for.
This afternoon I am going bowling at the village hall ,le blade is not well he claims to have a flue type malaise,which must be true because he is not going to Sheffield for this evenings game against Ipswich.
Not much else happening here on the prairie so its goodbye from him.

Monday 21 September 2009

Gina's Birthday

Today is Gina's 31st birthday,we spoke to her on the phone as she has the day off work along with Andrew,I think he was out buying her breakfast when we talked,me and Sheila went up to the doctors to collect her medicines,and then on to louth,where I took my watch in to the jewellers to have the back replaced,reason for this was I put a battery in it on saturday but could not replace the back,it's easy on cheap watches but not on good ones,it seems they have a special machine to replace them at the shop,they said no charge but make a donation to the air ambulance,which was ok.
We were woken fairly early by the sound of the tractor ploughing the field next to our bedroom they plough to within 9 feet of the window,not sure what will be the crop for next year,but I think it should be rape seed as we have had barley and wheat twice.
Sheila is still suffering with the dental problem and just a bit fed up now,also the fact we only got 2 numbers on the lottery is not helping,Jean and Norman called in on friday en route to their caravan and I had a look at their new car,ford focus it looks a nice car ,I have always favoured fords in the past because they are cheap to repair and service,and I have found them to be reliable if maintained properly,plus they make the best gearboxes.
Sandra and Sam the pom have been walkabout in the local bush and had an encounter with a snake of unknown origin,and other bush creatures,it can't have been as scary as when Sam the pom as a lad climbed the improvised ladder on the wicker while in casual employment on my payroll,it has to be said that I can give him a very good reference for fearlessness,unlike his trick cyclist brother who was scared by a large rabbit whilst on holiday in Montana.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Billy the dog

Reading about Billy on the KC blog,made me think about the farm we looked at near Kansas City,I think there were around 25acres plus house,barns ,stables and a swimming pool for around £150,000,sadly the US government wiil not allow us to live in the states otherwise Billy could have come to us over there, he entertained Sheila with his rope tugging game during our stay,I think big dogs need to have a lot of space and be in the countryside,so hopefully he might get a foster home that suits him.

Monday 14 September 2009

All quiet on the eastern front

Yesterday I had a sunday of gainfull employment painting posters for the Sheffield national book sellers,which have gone to their dorset store this morning via royal mail,who I still find best for sending parcels,it all helps towards visiting the antipodes this winter.
Our little house on the prairie is quiet again apart from much clucking by our avian residents,the weather started a little cloudy this morning but now the sun is out and warming up nicely,but still a bit windy,thats about all for now .

Monday 7 September 2009


Having just read Montana Mike's blog and played the u tube video over and over a number of times,I was so enraptured by the new bike,strangely enough me and Andrew looked at some bikes in Tesco at Preston and the very same bike was on offer for £150.I was amazed how light it was the label said it was an aluminium frame(aluminum USA)you could lift it up with a coles crane it was so light,but the wheels seemed very fragile about 3/4" wide if that,and thin rubber tyres.
Sandra the pom is not saving the meat for me,but never mind I shall have a nice vegetarian meal instead,the poms are on a winning streak at the moment,hope they get promotion and Sandra splashes out on a new bag,I notice lidl bags are in fashion at the moment in Mablethorpe might be some fashion pointers there,whilst over in Preston Tesco is all the rage.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Home on the range

Back on the prairie much warmer than lancashire,after a 2 hour 40 minutes drive,amazingly after passing Leeds the motorway becomes almost empty ,but then Lincolnshire is the least populated county in England,driving is still a pleasure here ,and much appreciated after city driving.
Crocodile mick is not enamoured of skype,he is a technological luddite,so he intends to phone us to finalise our plans for visiting them up in the outback,his wife is much more at home on the computer so her and Sheila will probably arrange things on skype,bypassing me and Mick.

Saturday 5 September 2009

Sunny Lancashire

Saturday dawns in Preston with a drop of Lancashire sunshine,known in other counties as rain,Gina is at work and we are meeting her at Tesco just after 2pm when she finishes,yesterday afternoon we filled up at morrisons on the dock and with coupons from Gina paid 97.9 pence a litre for diesel,must be the cheapest in the UK,but an exorbitant price if you are American(about $7.50 a gallon).
It is strange to have no livestock to feed,and to walk 100yards to the paper shop,as opposed to a 6mile round trip,and the density of people is a novelty,we had considered a trip to Blackpool around 12 miles up the road,to see the lights which were switched on last night,though last year we went and were too late,they had switched them off,strangely we thought they were on all winter ,but not so,only a limited period.

Friday 4 September 2009


Just arrived at Preston west end,after a 3hours 20 minutes drive,and we are watching the LARGE tv at Gina and Andrews,after two telephone conversations educating us as to how to switch it on.
I am writing the blog on Andrews macbook,definitely the rolls royce of laptops,this morning I commented on Montana Mike's blog before we set off on our travels,it seems he has ignored my advice to buy a place in Florida,and has purchased the house belonging to baby jane,well I can only offer my condolences..
After a cheese sandwich I looked for Andrews biscuit cache but it was too well hidden and so no biscuits,just coffee.,Gina has just arrived from work. and found me 2 Isle of Skye oatmeal biscuits
and a small bottle of Tobermory whisky.

Wednesday 2 September 2009


After much searching and reading reviews I came across a special offer on emirates to oz ,times were right and a saving of £1000 on singapore airlines cheapest,which should more than pay for our internal flights to see Crocodile Mick.
We shall be in oz for two months in total missing the east coast winter,so its "crack a can of fosters blue"and a chardie or two with Sandra the pom in Brisbane.
Whilst I am writing this Sheila is engrossed in a Harry Potter film on tv ,As our Emma would say "it's too daft to laugh at",I think I shall have a small whisky to celebrate finally booking the flights,and hope the poms don't flit before we get there.