Friday 28 March 2008

Castles in Spain

Today I was looking at flights to Perth,Emirates looks reasonably priced,then I looked at carnarvon on google but the zoom in is not so good,after reaching Perth another flight of 2 hours and a half is needed to get to Carnarvon,the cost of going to Oz would be about the same as a month in Florida,with the added bonus of guaranteed sunshine,though three months in Sicily in winter would be a nice option.
Lot of work to do before any of these pipe dreams come to fruition,just sent of some posters to pedantic paddy in London,who is owing me money,horses heads come to mind.
Rained all day today,which is really uplifting,but forecast is fine on Saturday.

Thursday 27 March 2008


Fed up with pedantic customers,and people in general,luckily here at the little house I can be free of them, so not much to say at all ,Ciao Graham

Monday 24 March 2008

Wake up call from Crocodile Mick

This morning we were having a lay in as us oldies like to call a 7.30 am wake up,when Sheila heard the phone,Crocodile Mick was on the line from Australia,he likes to wake us up every couple of years,we put him on the speaker and listened to an interesting number of Australian words (which were of a colourful nature) emanating from the antipodes.
The upshot is he has sold his busines to live a bit,and is threatening us with a visit,along with his dear wife, it seems he has just been out on the boat fishing and moored up at his dockside workshop,so decided to rouse us from our slumbers,(around 6.30pm Oz time)
He is giving me plenty of notice so I can lay in a stock of beer!I am not sure if his wife knows of his plans so the beer purchase is temporarily suspended.
He invited us to Oz but says he will probably come here because I am a ***** ****!! and not likely to visit Oz,his vocabulary lends itself well to lively discourse.
Today the weather has changed completely and its glorious sunshine,washing is on the line and blowing gently in our version of a breeze.
Montana is on a rant on his blog,he is a little upset at the electoral system in place in the USA,but this is a good sign as it takes his mind off organic matters,and the eating of chocolate bars,checking how much Mary Sue has saved on purchases, and counting his money.
That's all for now Graham

Wednesday 19 March 2008

caught in the act!!

I didn't think Sheila would know I had stolen a fresh cream cake!

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Le Bowling at Maltby Le Marsh

Spent the morning experimenting with paints that are not susceptible to running in the wet,then this afternoon I went to the bowling at the village hall,Le Blade turned up and we had a good afternoon,I gave him a lift home and we remenisced about past events in Sheffield ,and Sheila rang on the mobile to see why I was such a long time,so came home and watched Raymond.
Next bowling is Friday,so it looks like a twice weekly event,not much else going on today so more later,I should mention that it is indoor carpet bowling,two long 8ft wide carpets are rolled out and then its the same as outdoor but in a strip rather than a square bowling green,not yankee bowling,but as Edward put it to me,"the type Sir Francis Drake was involved in at the time of the Spanish armada",there is a new carpet on order ,making three in all,I wonder if this will be red in my honour?the others are green. Graham

Sunday 16 March 2008

Nostalgia is not what it used to be

So last night was nostalgia night,us against the jerry,there were ration books,pictures of churchill,Union Flags ,Stars and Stripes and the French Tricolour(tricolor) for American readers.
Cabbage ,carrots,and shepherds pie,with cherry pie and custard, which was the best bit,( though I think Edward Boffin got more custard than me ), the main raffle prize was a litre of whisky,and Sir George won it,rumour has it that he took it to bed and cradled it all night like a baby,though his dear lady wife,may have prised it from his rigid grip this morning.
Sheila won a tea towel,which looks to me as though it would make a nice recycled WI raffle prize,we drove home in a deluge ,and watched a terrible film for a while ,which one of us could'nt hear,and the other could'nt understand,eventually giving up the ghost and retiring to bed,sans cocoa and hot water bottles.
It was a rather entertaining act,and in particular the lady singer who did a Marlene Deitrich impersonation,the basso profondo bit of the song did cause some merriment on the part of some of us,which was frowned upon a little by others,in fact I am almost sure I heard Sir George telling me to behave.
Edward Boffin who is planning a French trip avec caravan,refused point blank to accept my order for duty free wine,claiming that he only had enough room for his own needs , during the bowling on Tuesday next I shall try to convince him otherwise,and possibly enlist Ian Le Blade to back me up,if my old pal Moshe is reading this ,it was a little like the "Two Pools Rooney"episode in Cyprus,I think Gina may remember that incident,I refer to Maurice trying to enlist a local gentleman of leisure a Mr. Bernard Rooney, in the cleaning of a pool ,at a villa owned by Moshe's friend,a complete failure of course,the gentleman cried out in anguish"I Can't possibly clean two pools,I have my own to look after"leaving Moshe the unwanted job of cleaning the pool,which we were making full use of in his friends absence, the request at the time seemed a little cheeky,and with the passage of time became an in joke with our two families.

Friday 14 March 2008

In which Sonia masters levitation

Today I concreted a fence post in that was loosened by the strong winds, the cock pheasant was making a row again but I did'nt see him,he is hiding after yesterdays swearing and threatening with the spade.
Sir George came up to request info on his computer,(FROM ME!) anyway he drove me down to the palatial residence in the Merc.,and it was just the bt desktop which is a bit complicated,he is now up and running,I have the chauffering role tomorrow and shall be collecting the gentry at the Manor,and joining them for the hot supper at the village hall.
I can't help thinking that some of the blogs are worthy of renaming "blogochondria" as they seem to deal with health problems all the time,us stoical Rotherham lads don't go much for that kind of thing,we dont want to be called cissies.
Sonia has mastered levitation on her blog,though why the necklace defies the law of gravity I am not sure.
Montana looks a fine figure of a man with his hirsute face,though some hair on the top of his head would add symmetry to his physog,one hopes the dogs still recognise him and don't attack him by mistake.
The weather has been T'shirt today but set to go downhill from Saturday.
Ciao, Graham

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Bowled Over

Today was bowls afternoon,with Edward Boffin but no Ian le Blade,the said Le Blade saw fit to drive to Bramall Lane to watch his beloved blades this evening,however his son in law showed up and we both enjoyed the event.
Coffee was available and biscuits if required,though I did not partake of biscuits only coffee.
Next bowling is one week away,and bowling shoes will be required,to protect the special carpet ,Le Blade has promised to turn up for the next session.
The weather is turning windy after a sunny but breezy day,and the forecast is for gales tonight.up to 75 mph!
Football tonight on tv liverpool are in Milan hoping to win against the Italians,so fingers are crossed that we dont get a bent ref.
Thats all Graham

Sunday 9 March 2008

Sunday Lunch on the prairie

Not every day is sunny

Today read the news that tv journalist Carol Barnes had suffered a fatal stroke,I followed the ladies career after being in her company on a trip to Lisbon,along with Sheila,on the return flight we three were sat together and there was a degree of turbulence,which prompted an expletive from Carol that due to her very posh voice made us laugh,as it did'nt sound like swearing it was too posh.
During the turbulence Carol opened a bottle of duty free whisky and said would I like to share a drink to calm our nerves,I agreed,and we started into our paper cups of whisky,meanwhile Sheila went to speak to some of the others in the party,on her return she found Carol and me swigging out of the bottle in turn,and I am told that most of the bottle was gone.
A light note but a sad end to the tale,as Carol was only 63 years old,and not long ago lost her daughter in an accident in Australia.
Brother in law Norman met us at luton airport with our car which i was supposed to drive home ,but due to slight inebriation Norman undertook the job,and I believe it was cup final day,so I missed that one.

Saturday 8 March 2008

In which the intrepid trio agree to a sporting fixture.

Today was very enjoyable for football fans who support the underdogs,we watched Man U lose to Portsmouth,and then most enjoyable of all Barnsley trounced Chelsea ,please see cartoon below.
Had a nice morning at the village hall coffee morning,a little banter was exchanged involving Edward Boffin ,and Ian Le Blade,upshot is that me and Ian were coerced into playing bowls on Tuesday by Edward,it costs £1 but we are paying at a shilling a week,and there is no seniors discount.
Sir George and his good lady were also present and the whole event was well attended,who says country life is dull.
Other football results of interest Rotherham drew away,Sheffield Utd won away,and Wednesday won at home,a wednesday fan present(we do not discriminate) seems to think salvation is at hand from rich Russians?
Thats all folks Graham

Barnsley 1 Chelsea 0

Friday 7 March 2008

Le Pizze !

I told you we were having Pizza for dinner!

Tis the season to be broccoli

Today slaved over a hot brush on posters,which are now in the safe hands of the post office,and winging their way to two customers in essex,tonight we are having Pizze,home made of course,and for afters nut crunch or some other delectable pudding,maybe even garden blur pudding!
Sir George is now on broadband,after much cajoling by his family,he has spent the money.
I am still waiting for the hat picture from Sandra the Pom,and fancy buying Sam the pom a toblerone,does anybody like toblerone,that fiendish swiss invention designed to damage your teeth?
Barney the owl is outside the window hunting for mice,he is a little late tonight ,Sir George has made a Magpie trap which is quite ingenious,I shall try to put a picture of it on one of my blogs,rabbits are causing problems at the manor house ,so with luck Sir George may come up with a gift of one when he traps them.
Sheila came home with" Gret Heeaps "(to be said in a Barnsley accent)of village broccoli today so it could be on the menu shortly.
Village hall tomorrow for coffee morning,event of the month is that,looking forward to the biscuits but not the instant coffee.
Ciao graham

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Derek Dooley Great Player

Lovely day today on the prairie,I did a little gardening,and we went up to the egg farm and on to a smallholding to buy veg,but they had little for sale.
Mrs farmer joe rang up this evening for cream cakes,but as I told her she was too late,they are all gone.
The gooseberry cake was very nice,you should have been here Montana,and the goosegobs were all organic,and the cream just set off the hint of acidity in the berries.
Sandra the pom is spending money with gay abandon,new hats(plural) trainers,hairdoes, can we have a picture of the hats ,has one of them got corks on strings around the brim?
Coffee morning on Saturday at the village hall,looking forward to a chat with wing commander Boffin,and Ian the blade.
Sad news ,Derek Dooley has died,heart attack, what a great player he was,I remember him breaking his leg,I was still at school and a Rotherham fan but everybody admired Dooley.
Not much else to report so signing off, Graham

Monday 3 March 2008

Quiet day on the prairie

Nature watch today is only the barn owl to report,but I went out to the bin last night and the big cock pheasant nesting in the hawthorn sqawked like a banshee and flew off.
Weather has been sunny but cold ,tomorrow is forecast some light snow showers coming in off the sea,not much of that in Brisbane eh Sandra?
Daffodils are all in flower,and loads of snowdrops,cherry tree is also starting into flower,and some are in full flower at saltfleetby.
Tonight I am home alone and so football will be on tv,tuesday night is Manchester Utd game and couple more games on this week.
Thats all for now ,Ciao, Graham

Saturday 1 March 2008

Dear o' Deer!

This morning around 8.30am,Sheila was on the computerand I was looking out of the lounge window,when I saw a fairly large animal about1000yards away in farmer Joe's field,looking through the binoculars I saw a deer, I estimate about 3feet in height,Sheila ,remembering Sir George claimed never to have seen a deer around here,in all his 79yrs as a resident ,called him on the phone as I observed the deer,unfortunately it went down in the ditch and was then hidden from view ,just as she put the phone down.
This is the third one Sheila has seen and my second,the others were near the church at theddlethorpe and the copse on stain hill,I think they must use the dykes as cover to hide from view,and also for drinking water.
When I initially spotted it the sun was on it and highlighted its beige colour,there were no antlers visible, and it stood motionless for about 20 seconds giving us both time to look through the binoculars at it,unfortunately it was not enough time to get a photo,and the zoom is not powerfull enough to pick it out.
Living here beats the living daylights out of city living, though the wind can be a little strong at times,and last night was a case in point,the hailstones were rattling the bedroom window like pebbles.
So Sandra the Pom,no snakes and spiders here,just honest to goodness English wildlife.
Update at I saw another deer at midday,which had darker colouring and could be the stag,at around the same place and I told Mrs farmer joe to take a look ,hopefully she saw it too,and it was much darker coloured with a white tail.
Mrs . Brocolli brought Sheila back safely but shaken ,after their trip out this morning,could be a positive outcome to the trip,in the sense that sheila appreciates what a good driver I am.

Graham the Visionary