Tuesday 24 March 2009

Kansas City Sale

This morning I read Montana Mike's blog,he has put up a number of items for sale,I am pleased to be able to offer him $75. for the lot ,but he can keep the dogs,it seems he may be trying to make a comment of some kind with his action.
Yesterday we went on a shopping trip to Grimsby,Sheila shopped while I read the paper,she purchased a few items of clothing from a haute couture emporium,and a bag of mussels.
On our return to the little house on the prairie,the hen hut had been blown about 12 inches from its original siting by the exceptionally strong gusts of wind into the fence which saved it toppling over,I managed to level it up but need some help to move it back to its original base,luckily there were no hens in at the time.
Today is bowling day at the village hall a highlight of the week,it is also a market for the eggs surplus to requirements, and an opportunity to hear the latest progress on the hip replacements recently visited on many of the contestants.


Mike Saif said...

A few items of clothing and some mussels...if only!

Sheila or Graham said...

I only bought the mussels because Graham said that there might be pearls in them and I could make a necklace!!
sheila x