Monday 12 September 2011

Old gate on green lane

This is escapism in the countryside,I am now an old fogey down to drawing rickety old farm gates,though a galeforce wind yesterday made the job difficult ,blowing the sketch pad all over the place,the colours and different plant shapes were interesting and may lead to a painting on a small scale.
I am trying to arrange an exhibition of my mining theme pictures in Rotherham and Barnsley, but exhibition opportunities are thin on the ground,so barring a lottery win and buying my own gallery,I shall have to continue as a "picture stacker", the welsh poet Dylan Thomas's description of painters.
The technical properties are,graphite on cartridge paper 12"x 10" approx.
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Mike Saif said...

Looks like an old gate to me.

Sheila or Graham said...

Gertrude Stein once said something similar,"A rose is a rose is a rose"