Monday 16 March 2009

Dick Turpin is alive and well in Sheffield

As you can see from sheila's blog we were robbed of £60,by Sheffield council for inadvertently straying into a bus lane,it is a little annoying,not the money but the principle.
Yesterday I went on the bike into Mablethorpe to buy a paper,on the way I saw a dead tawny owl on the grass verge ,it looked as if its wing had been broken but it was'nt mangled up as if a car had struck it,it upset me more than the highway robbery at Sheffield!!!
Sandra the pom in her blog does'nt believe that I am too cultured for Australia,which is good news as I was planning a visit, when I have saved up enough money I am already £60 down as a handicap, I hope they don't move without informing us!
Did another sign for Bob the (Toulouse) goose,he is starting to look like las vegas at his gate,trouble is he pays less than minimum wage and offers old tins of paint and metal shelving as an exchange,thats it for now as I have to post a letter bearing gifts to Sheffileld council.

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

The poor Owl. There can't be too many of them around. I wonder if it flew into a telegraph wire or something.