Friday 13 March 2009

Spring is on the way

I have been busy re routing a cable from the house to the garage,the security/courtesy light works from there,the old cable came from the existing conservatory at the front of the house ,which is to be demolished as it is wood and not really suitable, we have permission to replace it with a larger one of pvc and brick construction.
This morning I spotted the deer again in the small copse about half a mile to the west of the little house,on my journey to the village I saw an owl on the ground clutching a small mouse,and two great tits have taken up residence in the nestbox in the front garden, having killed the big mole,we now have a small one which will if all goes well join its relative,we think it is small because the mole hills are minor compared to the previous interloper, trap is set and battery operated mole repeller in situ,thats the wild life news for today.
It is the coffee morning at the village hall tomorrow( social life lived to the extreme here in the sticks), Le Blades may be there along with others and all the local gossip will be exchanged.
Spring is well on its way,daffodils are in bloom all over the place including at the little house,buds on all the bushes and trees,and the elderly couple who spend their winter 3 months in Spain are due to return on Saturday,Leonardo the husband informs me by phone he was 80 years old last week and the government have given him 25 pence weekly increase in pension!!!!!not quite the same deal as the banks is it.


Mike Saif said...

Sounds like some good wildlife there Graham.

The Saif's Journal said...

I always loved the spring time and the daffodils.