Monday 30 March 2009

Wild bird

This morning I was rudely roused from my bed to come and remove an area of soft grass cuttings as one of the hens was rumbled by Sheila as it had made a nest and was laying eggs al fresco and not in the nest box,as I raked away we found 3 eggs covered up with cuttings,unfortunately we had to chuck them away ,not knowing how old they were,it was the hen called Tina who was the culprit,and she is a bleeding nuisance as Bradley Charles Smith would say.
The rest of the day was spent concreting a post in which was loosened by the wind last monday,and calling in on Cockney Lil in the village to sort out the funds which were raised at the line dance.

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

I recall being called a bleedin nuisance a few times when I was younger.