Monday 27 April 2009

Meight pie,taters n peys toneet wi gravy

Jean and Norman called in today on their way home from their van,and we played them a couple of tracks from a disc given us by Gina and Andrew,its a group called Lancashire Hotpot,who sing very funny songs in a lancashire accent about everyday life in their area,one features a shopmobility scooter,and in it the driver falls in love with a lass called Jean ,which presents him with a problem"where my gonna put Jean?if you can download them it will cheer you up but you must get into the lancashire accent,its working class humour at it's best.
Sadly J&N left just before cesspool syd came to empty the cesspool,I would have liked them to enjoy that little episode,especially in view of the blokes name ,Syd!
Tonight I have the job of taking Sheila to Alford to the WI and this gives me the problem"where my gonna park" not really a major obstacle unlike the big cities,just a little quote from the shopmobility song.
Footnote; I dropped Sheila at the vilage hall Alford and there parked outside was shopmobility scooter,I don't know if it was the speed I was pushing her or the sight of the scooter but she was having amused hysterics,(well I think she was amused)I am now on call for the return trip whilst watching Norwich v Reading on sky.

1 comment:

Mary Sue said...

You've given me a whole new outlook on scooters...a nice humorous one. Thx.