Wednesday 8 April 2009

Lack of Information Technology

Rain was forecast during the night but we had very little and today is blustery with sunshine and scattered clouds, around 10 dgrees centigrade.
Montana mike has problems with his computer company,a thing we are all conversant with,the dreaded Indian sub continental call centre,who have no idea how to rectify the problem but read from a prepared script,and leave the poor customer irate, the luckless asian workers are made to watch british soaps like coronation street to help them understand diverse dialects,some companies here are now using the British call centre as a way of attracting new custom, and I can only think they will be successful, which of course means that the cheap labour others have made use of is shown as being counter productive,here in the UK if the provider is in breach of their contract to supply a proper service, the customer can end the contract before the contract expires officially,whether this applies in the States I don't know.
Maybe the advent of Easter and much ingesting of chocolate eggs and bunnies will help to temper the outrage at the moment afflicting Montana Mike.
I am still waiting for the refund from the heirs to Dick Turpin the highway robber now plying their evil trade in Sheffield,and fear it may be a lengthy wait,speaking of Sheffield, the Blades won in the local derby with Barnsley,and of course Ian Le Blade was at the game, they have a match on friday this week which is featured on Sky TV so we shall be viewing that at the little house on the prairie,last night Man U. were able only to draw with Porto in the euro cup,and tonight is Liverpool v Chelsea on TV so I shall be watching that and of course supporting Liverpool. Thats all for now ,Graham

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

I blame the poor technical support on capitalism.