Thursday 2 April 2009

Dreaming of Tuscany La Toscana Sogno

Yesterday was unbroken sunshine and 66 farenheit,I managed to fabricate, prime and undercoat a wooden signboard for a farm and it dried like lightening, I was for a while wafted away in memory to Tuscany,today there is a sea mist blowing in and a fine drizzle ,so it is inside work finishing painting the board.
Last night the England game was a little disappointing,we lacked real attack and were lucky to get the win in the end,many of the players are not international class,though the Ukraine were not that good either,this sunday Sheffield United are on TV ,so we shall be watching that with interest,The Millers won away at Luton during the week,and I'm not sure what that other team who play in Sheffield are doing.
I am gazing out of the window as I write in the hope of the mist clearing and the sun coming out,but the only activity is the pair of blue tits nesting in the wooden nest box,yesterday the barn owl was having a great time in the field next to the little house on the prairie,and made frequent swoops down to catch little furry titbits.
I have a potential customer calling to see me this afternoon about an advertising sign for her residence who may be interesting as I believe she does some kind of aroma therapy or some such strange therapeutic mysterious health therapy,could she be the English version of Montana Mike's friend in the USA,Incandacia the lit up lady? as my old editor friend Moshe used to say,"it's all part of life's rich tapestry"and his favourite film which he watched if he was feeling low was,"The Life Of Brian" whilst singing"always look on the bright side of life",he will shortly be off to his summer residence in Finland the birthplace of his long suffering wife, I believe it is a cabin on an island and access is only possible by rowing boat,we are invited but like to stay in England in summer.
Thats it for now Graham

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

Shit you are getting better weather than us.