Tuesday 14 April 2009

Egg on the face at the bowling

Just back from the bowling/egg selling,not too much jollity as me and Syd played rubbish and Le Grand Edward was on the opposing side smirking at us,he only laughs when he's winning like the football fans.
Tonight is the return match between Chelsea and Liverpool,on tv but I think it is goodnight Irene for the scousers,though I shall be watching in hope.
As I will not take Montana's advice re these quack medicines it seems he is washing his hands of me,and letting me suffer,it's a bit like the attitude of the preachers of religion if you believe you will be cured,the lame to walk etc. and just as credible.
I really like the idea of Gina going to live near the canal and having a boat,much better than coronation street where they are now,I could signwrite the boat "the onion bargee".
I really like that white boat that Sandra the pom has sent a photo of on her blog,but it is very much in the background.

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

My advice is good. Try it for once. Let's face it, suffering with no improvement or taking poisonous chemicals to try and correct the problem aren't what I call two great options.