Friday 10 April 2009

Goodness gracious great eau's of fish!

Today we are going to the trout farm in Withern,about 5 miles up stain lane,my favourite cycling lane as there is not much traffic,and deer can sometimes be seen in the fields,Sheila has ordered a couple of trout at 9am this morning and we are picking them up at 11am,THATS FRESH! much better than the ones a week old from supermarkets,they live in the waters of the local river the Great Eau,I am not sure how it was named but it sounds a little like the Norman French had a hand in it,there is in fact a little hamlet further inland towards the wolds which is named Belleau.
It may be of interest to some readers that our diet here at the little house on the prairie is very well balanced,all our bread is home made by Sheila,we have loads of local vegetables,this is after all the county which grows a large percentage of the country's green veg and "tates" as they are known locally(think Boston potatoes),meat we try to buy from the co op which sources locally,or at the farm at minting near Lincoln,and an added supplement of Chia seeds is sometimes eaten by Sheila,though I am "chia full" enough without them.
The weather at the moment is lovely sunshine and around12 centigrade,for our Sheffield friends and relatives information.


G said...

I realise that you have a balanced diet. Maybe it is the quantity and the BUNS AND CAKES that are the problem.

Mike Saif said...

Are the buns and cakes included in the "balanced" diet? That trout sounds as fresh as they come. I had trout twice when we ate out last week. Once it was spoiled with a stupid sauce so the next time I asked for it grilled with no sauce and no other crap...that was better.

Sheila or Graham said...

There have been no buns and cakes for three days(seven chinese puddings in preston Gina)mocrowaved chocolate bun in KC, I am a shadow of my former self. Dad