Friday 3 April 2009

Surgery most fowl ?

You may remember that I inadvertently fell foul of Dick Turpin,or sheffield city council,as it is now known,not being a person who regularly falls foul of the authorities,I paid a fine of £60 for straying 6 yards into a bus lane on the wicker in Sheffield,I was later informed by Vicki our old neighbour in Sheffield that she had a similar fine at Hillsborough Corner,but if you pay within 14 days it halves to £ 30,today I phoned and was told this is the case so I have sent a letter to them as they informed me I must,they have of course cashed the cheque ,so I now wait for the refund.
Gina is reminiscing about her grandparents on her blog,I remember she used to call our Herbert
Grandfather which amused him and he tried to get her to call Emma "grandmother grey",she writes of his special wave of goodbye,which is a little hard to describe in words, but consists of holding the palm of your hand facing the recipient with fingers and thumb spread apart and moving it left to right as if turning a door knob.
There are a number of references to Florrie in the family blogs,particularly her famous "Florrie Face" I have noticed that a number of her daughters have inherited this particular expressive facial movement and probably are not aware of it, I particularly remember her very own swear word"Flopping" hard to improve on that.
We have a modern fuse box idea here that trips the fuse switch off if a light bulb goes,and leaves us in the dark till its switched back on,which leads me to a strange dream I had two nights ago
that Emma and Herbert were here and the lights tripped out so I went to switch the fuse back on and then could'nt find them when the lights were back on,then I woke up.
I was theatre orderly this morning fixing a table up and showing the surgeons how to put a scalpel blade in the handle,fortunately the "patient" was not aware of the inexperience of the medical staff.

1 comment:

Mike Saif said...

Oh that poor chicken. Are they operating?